Mad Libs
Video Tutorial
Click here for a YouTube video of Lloyd building this project. The video has been optimized for viewing on an iPad.
(Note: For a "crystal clear" video, you may have to manually change the quality settings in YouTube to "720p HD" - just look for the gear symbol in the bottom right-hand corner of the YouTube window.)
LiveCode File for this Project
Script for the button "Create a Sentence":
global varAdjective, varNoun, varVerb, varAdverb
on mouseUp
put line random (the number of lines in the field "adjectives") of field "adjectives" into varAdjective
put line random (the number of lines in the field "nouns") of field "nouns" into varNoun
put line random (the number of lines in the field "verbs") of field "verbs" into varVerb
put line random (the number of lines in the field "adverbs") of field "adverbs" into varAdverb
put "The "&varAdjective&" "&varNoun&" "&varVerb&" "&varAdverb&"." into line 1 of field "mysentence"
end mouseUp
Bonus Idea!
The above code works great and it does a great job of demonstrating how to use some of the simple, yet powerful text processing commands of LiveCode. But, there is yet another wonderful keyword in the LiveCode dictionary - "any" - that we can use to simplify those four lines that begin with "put line...":
put any line of field "adjectives" into varAdjective
put any line of field "nouns" into varNoun
put any line of field "verbs" into varVerb
put any line of field "adverbs" into varAdverb
The keyword "any" both computes the range of lines that contain words and applies randomness.